Monday, September 22, 2008

Dear Congressman:

Dear Congressman:

The Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States (CAMACOL)
on its behalf and in the name of the Chamber of Commerce of Quito, Ecuador are respectfully requesting your assistance to approve the extension of the Andean Trade Preference Extended Act (ATDPEA) to the Andean Area countries (Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru) which is pending its approval or ratification of Accords of the Free Trade Agreements with the United States.

This request is based on the profound economic, social and political backlash these countries will suffer if this extension is not approved. It will also create great harm to our country who greatly benefits of this relations.

Attached please find a document with precise and detailed information of the effect of the ATDPEA on the Andean Countries as well as on our great USA. Another document specifically written by the Chamber of Commerce of Quito Is also included.

We will greatly appreciate your attention to this urgent matter.


William Alexander

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